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White Brick Wall



Growing up, I lived a pretty active lifestyle. Throughout middle school and high school, I participated in sports. One would think that being so active throughout my childhood and adolescent years I would have been at the normal weight for my age and height. However, I struggled to maintain a healthy weight. This of course brought a lot of insecurity to my everyday life. I always wanted to take action towards lowering my weight, but never knew how. I relied on the social acceptance from my peers to determine how I “should” look, and I let that derail my confidence and self-happiness.


My fitness journey began during my freshman year of college when the “freshman 15” neared the scale. I had no idea what to do at the gym, so I stuck to what I knew...cardio! Little by little, I started to feel better about myself. I quickly became bored and found it harder to stay committed to my workouts. Therefore, I searched for another solution to help me lose weight. In 2010, I purchased both P90X and Insanity hoping they would be a solution to my repetitive workout routine. I enjoyed that each day of the week was different. Though yet again, by week four I was bored. Time and time again I failed to stay committed to the entire program. Ultimately, I attempted to workout at the typical fitness gym filled with machines and free weights and guided workout videos. Neither kept me interested or gave me the desire to keep going.


It wasn’t until the end of 2012, when my boyfriend, now husband, Edgar suggested we give CrossFit a try. I had no idea what CrossFit involved. He simply told me it would be fun, so I trusted his advise and attended the class with him. Nonetheless, I loved it. To this day, I still love it. The workouts are fun, challenging, and will certainly test your limits. Pursuing CrossFit as a workout regimen has been one of the best decisions of my life. It has helped me boost my level of self-esteem, fitness, and health. These years since opening, have been wonderful. We've been blessed to meet many people who we now call family.

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